Financing myself helped me know how it will help you

2 min readJun 6, 2024



“Financing Myself: A Journey to Financial Independence”


In a world where financial stability is paramount, my personal journey of self-financing has been both enlightening and empowering. Through trial, error, and determination, I discovered practical ways to manage my finances effectively. In this blog post, I’ll share my experiences, techniques, and valuable practices that can benefit others seeking financial freedom.

1. The Starting Point

A. Assessing My Situation

Before diving into financial strategies, I took a hard look at my current situation. What were my income sources? What were my expenses? Understanding the basics allowed me to create a solid foundation.

B. Setting Clear Goals

I defined specific financial goals: emergency fund, debt repayment, and long-term investments. Having clear objectives kept me focused and motivated.

2. Techniques That Worked for Me

A. Budgeting Wisely

- The 50/30/20 Rule

I allocated 50% of my income to necessities (rent, groceries, bills), 30% to wants (entertainment, dining out), and 20% to savings and debt repayment. This balanced approach prevented overspending.

B. Side Hustles and Passive Income

- Freelancing Gigs

I explored freelance opportunities related to my skills (writing, graphic design). These side hustles boosted my income.

- Investments

I researched low-risk investments like index funds and real estate. Passive income streams gradually grew.

3. Practices That Made a Difference

A. Emergency Fund

- The Safety Net

I maintained an emergency fund equivalent to at least six months’ worth of living expenses. It saved me during unexpected setbacks.

B. Debt Repayment Strategies

- Snowball vs. Avalanche

I used the snowball method (paying off smaller debts first) to gain momentum. Later, I tackled high-interest debts using the avalanche method.

4. How It Benefits Others

A. Empowerment

- Taking Control

By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to take control of their finances. Small steps lead to significant progress.

B. Practical Tips

- Real-Life Examples

I’ll provide relatable scenarios and actionable steps. Readers can implement these immediately.


Financing myself wasn’t just about money — it was about self-reliance, discipline, and resilience. Whether you’re a recent graduate, a freelancer, or someone seeking financial stability, remember that your journey matters. Start today, and let’s build a financially empowered community together!




I'm Adria. I'm a Content Writer and I've experience over 5 years. I've done MA in English and I've post lots of contents in Google.